And Then It Fades (Away)


Geistė Marija Kinčinaitytė, Paulius Petraitis

And Then It Fades (Away) (eds. Geistė Marija Kinčinaitytė & Paulius Petraitis) explores contemporary Lithuanian art photography through twelve artists engaging with themes ranging from placelessness and archiving to instability and identity. With experimental and fluid approaches to image-making, the book weaves personal, cultural, and ecological narratives into a fragmented yet compelling map of the present. Highlighting varied practices, it reflects on photography as a dynamic tool for responding to a rapidly changing world, offering readers a thought-provoking encounter with the images and ideas shaping visual culture today.

With photographs by artists Ūla Aukštaitytė, Saulė Gerikaitė, Kotryna Ūla Kiliulytė, Kotryna Kirilovaitė, Vytautas Kumža, Ieva Maslinskaitė, Visvaldas Morkevičius, Gerda Paliušytė, Janina Sabaliauskaitė, Ona Julija Lukas Steponaitytė, Pavelas Šalaikiskis, Gedvilė Tamošiūnaitė. 

This book is bilingual: Lithuanian, English

Texts by Agnė Jokšė, Geistė Marija Kinčinaitytė & Paulius Petraitis

Graphic design: Monika Janulevičiūtė

Colour correction: Aust Studio

Translations: Alexandra Bondarev

Copy Editing (Lithuanian): Dangė Vitkienė

Copy Editing (English): Jonathan Harris

Publisher: Six Chairs Books

ISBN 9786098332001

144 pages   


Publication is funded by Lithuanian Council of Culture