
Artbooks.lt is an electronic bookstore where you can find art and culture press published in Lithuania.

We invite you to choose books and magazines on visual art, design, cinema, performing arts, art theory, philosophy and other topics in Lithuanian and English. Our virtual shelves are constantly filled with books straight from the printing press, as well as with equally valuable books and magazines published in the past. If you have not found the book you are looking for – please write us at info@artbooks.lt and we will try to help you and find it as soon as possible.

We cooperate with more than 25 publishers in Lithuania, offering more than 200 different publications. We are looking forward to discovering new Lithuanian publishers and authors – we will be happy to receive your letters: info@artbooks.lt.

Artbooks.lt is also a small-scale publishing house. Read more about it in the publishing section.

Artbooks.lt magazine is a news platform that will appeal to active readers of culture and art press and event visitors. In the magazine, you can find a list of events related to culture and art publishing, also detailed texts about publishers, editors, writers, as well as specially-collected recommendations of books read by artists.

Artbooks.lt together with Artnews.lt and Echogonewrong.com form a platform for the analysis and dissemination of contemporary art.

The author of the website design is Nerijus Rimkus, programer – Giedrė Kavaliūnaitė.