What Took You So Long


Monika Krikštopaitytė

The art album „What Took You So Long“ presents artworks by Lithuanian and international women artists and 42 interpretations of their works written by art critics: Monika Krikštopaitytė, Francesca Ferrarini, Aistė Kisarauskaitė, Laima Kreivytė, Agnė Narušytė, Birutė Pankūnaitė, Aistė Paulina Virbickaitė, Kristina Stančienė and Rasa Žukienė. The texts (both in Lithuanian and English) presented next to the artworks are meant to introduce the readers to the artists and to demonstrate a peculiar (but not the only possible) approach to a particular piece of art. The second part of the publication includes an exhaustive catalogue of the entire collection (with some exceptions) of female artwork owned by the Lewben Art Foundation.

Editor: Monika Krikštopaitytė
Text authors: Monika Krikštopaitytė, Francesca Ferrarini, Aistė Kisarauskaitė, Laima Kreivytė, Agnė Narušytė, Birutė Pankūnaitė, Aistė Paulina Virbickaitė, Kristina Stančienė, Rasa Andriušytė-Žukienė
Editorial design: KlimaiteKlimaite (Laura Klimaitė, Indrė Klimaitė, Carmen Reina)
Translator: Diana Guogienė
Year: 2018
Pages: 320
Publishers: VšĮ „Lewben Art Foundation“, VšĮ Lietuvos išeivijos dailės fondas
Cover: soft
Languages: Lithuanian, English
Print run: 500